Tim/Victor, get the source and start looking through them.
Here are some numbers:
steve@Geofront::/share/tmp>wc -l *
103 Coral.java
175 GridDisplay.java
191 GridPanel.java
259 Ocean.java
34 Organism.java
301 Simulation.java
100 Starfish.java
43 TimerListener.java
1206 total
Thats right, I added another 400 or so lines to it. The GridDisplay class got a rather heft update due to the addition of extra buttons and such. Simulation class also took a hit due to the simulations dialogue. Its surprising how much code it takes to get a few buttons going in java.
I expect the line count to reach 2000 by the time we are REALLY finnished. Here are some screen shots.
[The start up options dialoge]
[Classes relationship diagram, nicely arranged so the lines don't cross :-)]
[Grid display using a 50x50 map and 800x800 display. There is a pattern because I cbf'd typing 50 semi-random lines consisting of 0,1,2]
I think I'll take a break now. Been up since 8:00am, only 5 hours of sleep :P