
A late Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year every one!

For those wondering, my UAI was 94.2, still need to get the complete list off Tony.


WOA, been ages since last updated, just busy all around :P

Got the results back today, for HSC, here they are:

chem 82
ena 74
ma 93
ma3 41
phy 92
sdd 93
sor 39

Its alright, but I am disappointed in ENA and CHEM.

Dad and cousine both left for China, which means I more or less get to pick my own presents for Christmas :D Hehe, always a plus :D

Also itching for LOTR:ROTK, its going to ROCK! Also did some more DA work, you know where to go to see them. I'll update my website today when I come back from Eastwood.


Well, been a while eh :P

Just busy reading the first book of Night's Dawn series, and working a lot, so not much time to update this :P

Went to the Intel Pentium4 Extreme Edition launch today, got my self a free copy of Need For Speed: Underground, 2x intel CD cases, and a t-shirt. Oh and lunch and red bull was provided free of cost :D

Went with Steven, we both had lots of fun, and it was generally a GOOD DAY.

BUT, there is always a but, I didn't get a chance to get today's LOTR pin :-( I am hoping my local news agent will have some spares tommorow! Here is to hoping :D

Cousine and dad are both leaving for China soon, I am going to ask for a few choice presents :D


Oh its been a while. Doing some adminsitraive work for virtual host net, which is taking up a lot of my time, along with playing chess against Chris :-)

I should have the panther CDs soon...mmmm....

Also kernel 2.4.21 breaks DMA, which accounts for the "lag" I experience in my DVDs, and general slow performance of the debian box. This suituation is now fixed.

Learned DNS/BIND over the last few days, so I am not longer completely hopeless (but by no means well versed in it).

And if any one wants hosting for $30 a month, with 1G space and 10G transfers, let me now :-D. Hehe, sorry for the pimpage :P

Still waiting for a call regarding my application to teachers credit union... if I don't hear from them in 2 weeks, its means I am REJECTED :S


Ah, haven't updated in a bit, busy doing stuff :P

Still writing my resume, but the website is up. BIG THANKS TO NEO! YOU ARE A CHAMP!

Parents paid the deposite for the new house today, and we should be able to move in March next year. Looking forward to it! But it means no ADSL until then :-(

I am also applying for a job, and hope I get it :-D The time is flexible, and the pay is decent. Wish me luck! :D

Thats about all that happened... so hope you had a good weekend, and a better week to come!


Blood thirsty companies. IHug hit me with another $70 dollar fine for supposely using 7 extra mb of space on their homepage server. Frucking, since last month I have kept it BELOW 10MB!! FFS, now I am $70 poorer for no good reason. Assholes $%&^#$^&$#^&#^@#%^$&#$^&$%^&$!!!!!!!!!

*chill pill*

I have removed EVERYTHING off that frucking server, and if they hit me next month again I am going to take them to town. Mean while the links might be broken as I sort things out.


Woke up this morning with a sore knee and bruised chin. Note to self: don't ice skate with out double socks and don't fall on your knee.

Last night was Paul's 19th birthday bash. We met up at 6pm, ate some funky Viet food at the place-next-to-commonwealth-bank, then headed over to Macq. Centre. There was some indecision over movie or ice skating, but after some not-so-vicious debate, ice skating won, since none of us really wanted to spend another 2-3 hours on our rear ends. Despite the bruises, I loved ice skating.

Jason was the Master for the night, closely followed by Dominic and Michael, then came Luke, Said, Fadi and I, followed by Ru and Tony. We sling shotted Fadi a few times, and the newbies, I, Tony, and Ru tried to get on the ice. I managed to pick it up after 15 minutes or so :-). Tony made slightly better progress, towards the end he was making laps by himself. Ru had a hard time staying on his feet, but he persisted, and managed to make 2 laps with out touching the railing. GO RU! Afterwards Said was pretty sick :-S

Pictures from the night are on the right. Here is an attempt to "artify" one of the pictures :-)

Casper is now really up and running, in my wardrobe :-) My dad's laptop came early yesterday (8am! Didn't know the posties worked that early!) and my STM Alley bag also arrived, and it ROCKS! IMHO STM makes the best laptop bags, ever. Its also Australian owned and made!


To my teachers who are reading this, HELLO ;-)

Dropped into school today to drop off a few things, and find out that I returned John's SDD book, and John lost mine not his. So there goes $17.5 :-S

In good news, ran in to Paul in the library, and got his invite for tommorow's party down at that place near the Commonwealth Bank. Every one is having birthdays right now, either that or every one is finallying finding time to give out invitations :-)

Got the dual PII online to day, after so mucking with the BIOS since the kb/mouse PS/2 controllers were dead in the water. On a piece of wood its build on, held together by hotglue! Debian just finnished installing, now I need to recompile to enable SMP to take full advantage of the 2 processors, and need to a place to stash it, then run a duct with networking and power so I can run it in my closet.

Might also try and get the SCSI working, but I think I won't bother. Its only the render/SETI/SQL server, it needs proccessing power not hdd speed. Need to get a 30D HDD though, since the 20G WD in the current gateway is dying. Once this is done I need to get the SGI up and running, I WANT MY MAYA! Also need to get openbsd 3.4 on to the gateway, replacing the current 3.0 install. Mmmm new pf rule sets *drool*

Lastly, still waiting for my panther CDs, I want to get the ibook up to speed and take it war driving :S Oooh and I got myself a STM Alley bag, its fully sick. A laptop bag that doesn't look like a laptop bag! *mind boggling*

Since I finally finnished Homeworld yesterday, I have ran out of reasons to be awake at this hour. Night night :-)


Ah, the sweet feeling of waking up with out a hang over :-)

Righto, a recount of the least few days. Firstly, on Thursday, I had my last 2 exams :-D Which means I AM NOW FREE!! Right after I saw Matrix: Revolution, which was a little disappointing, but not a bad movie...

Then the day after, I went to Eastwood to deposit some checks, showed up at school to tie up some lose ends, and build my dual PII 266 box, which unfortunately is not working due to buggy kb controller, which means it won't boot :S

Went to Tony's 18th birthday party yesterday. It was a GREAT TIME! Had some funky drinks mixed by some surprisingly knowledgeable friends and took a LOT of picture, which are available here.

A great time was had by all, and it was a nice reunion as well :D

Planning on finishing a few games that I never got around to finishing, and do all the stuff I have wanted to do! WEE!


Found a GREAT game call Robobcom, where you program robots to play against other robots, kinda like corewars, except this is more fun IMHO. This allows some VERY interesting strategies, like viruses, evolutionary behavior, pack behavior, etc etc . And the scripting language it uses is very easy to learn to :-)

Give it a shot, and send me your bots! MY current one rockstar defeats the cross, agaragar, and flipping banks bot, but none of the classic legends :( But I want to change that ;)

Now I better get studying, Chemistry and SDD both on Wensday :((

Have fun!



Physics was EASY!!!

So many things could have been ask, but they didn't, HA! I realized I could have done the electrical option topic questions despite the fact I didn't do it. It was THAT easy :D

Expecting around 95% for this one. Now if I do just as good for chemistry, I am set :D

Have a nice day all!


Ok, Lets NOT talk about the 3U test today. Lets leave it at if I got 54% I would be happy.

In other news, went to look at the house mum was thinking of buying, but it was too noisy. Damn, I can't even hear myself think and I think OUT LOUD.

OS X cds probably going in the mail today, horrah! Airport card arrived yesterday, but OS 9 remains utterly broken :S Oh well :-)

Frank forgot the card reader *again*. sheesh! :P

Going to study for physics, must not stuff this one up.

Oh, for got, img2text has been updated, now with a readme.txt and auto scale feature. Its still there, on the right. Have fun!


I wasn't the only one to have problems with yesterday's paper. News article here.

Also wrote img2text last night because I was bored. Results are here at the atomic forums. Program src and win32 executable on your right. Have fun!!

Need to get back to 3U study :S
Ah, nothing like a little coding :P

Any who, wrote img2text last night cause I was bored. The results are listed here on atomic forums. Program and source on your right.

And I am not the only one who had problems with the 2U test:



That more or less describes today's 2unit math test. Quote: "Hardest 2unit in 12 years".

I would be lucky if I got above 100 :S *sigh* All that preperation, and still got owned :S Time to study for 3Unit :P

Hope every one else has better luck. Oh, and another NGE wall scroll coming :D Will updated pictures once I have the card reader from Frank.

BTW, there is a new site called creativeDirectory, which has a nice goal of acting as a free listing (for jobs) for coders, artists and what not. Check them out. Here is mine :D


Almost a week since my last blog :-P Sorry for the lapse, HSC HAS started after all :-)

English Advanced paper 1 and 2 are now done, 6 more to go! :-) Over all I thought english was way too easy... nothing like the trials.

Next week I got MA, MA3U, PHY on all the odd days, then SOR on Tuesday, followed by SDD *and* CHEM on the SAME FREAKING DAY $%&#$^*$*

Ah well, life is tought :-)

In good news, I got an airport card cheap for $90 all up, WAY cheaper than the going price of other airport cards on ebay. Also got 256RAM for the ibook, but I managed to fubar OS 9 royally, so know I am waiting for Panther to arrive. Its released today, so it will probably get here next Wensday/Tuesday'ish.

Met some great people on deviantart.com, and its making things a lot more fun. Only 46 or so page views until I hit 1K :-D

The nekkid picture comp on atomicmpc.com.au was CLASSIC! It has class, naked ppl and lots of laughs! About the only place it can happen, where people are so willing to take a piss at themselves and each other. A memorable event to be sure. Proves that Australians are the BEST ppl in the world :-)

I'll leave you with linkage to the pictures! Enjoy!


Hrm just a quick blog. Clit, the .lit cracker is going to be shut down in a month in the UK due to copyright laws that are on the same level as the DMCA (read: stupid, ill thought, undermining, limiting, horrendous). To let this piece of software be avaliable to others for LEGITMATE reasons, it will now be linked in the box to your right.

Laws like DMCA are design to protect poorly designed software and poor products in general (I mean, DRM that works via win32 only auto run "technology"), and act as a battering ram for companies who can not excel in business for their strengths, and have to resort to sueing the public for their own lack of intellect (see previous on DRM).

In other news, 28/30 for physics past HSC multiple choice, which is alright. Also won my G3 Ibook for 440, which is excellent.

I encourage every one to read these stories and vote for your favourite.


Links below doesn't work, and I can't edit for some reason :S

Here is the story mentioned below.

O.M.G. I did 44 past HSC chem questions, and GOT ALL 44 RIGHT!!! YAY!!! For SDD, it was 4 wrong out of 40. Will do physics tommorow.

I am stroked with that chem result but, makes me feel all happy and in control... for now :P

And with a stroke of luck, I made it into the atomic writting competition despite being hours late!! This is A GOOD DAY!!

Hope every one reading this has had a good day, and if not, hope you have one tommorow!
*Update* Story is here
Bah, typed up a blog, now I lost it :S

The bones of it were:

>> SDD is a bad subject to do. Bad HSC questions, bad text book, generally lacking in quality. Any programmer who started when they were 13 or so would know everything on it more or less.

>> Chemisty and Physics papers were alright, nothing too difficult.

>> Not going to bother with SOR, as long as I pass.

>> Need to brush up on 3U, i want at least 80% in that.

>> Have to re-read the texts for english.

>> Wrote a short story I thought up standing in line for lunch, will put link here once uploaded

>> The world is having a better day.


Ah, another glorious day of STUDYT$&^$%&*^*(&%(*

Lack of update since I keep forgetting :P

Any who, did the 2001 and 2002 2U HSC papers, got 91% and 83% respectively |:-| Not as good as I want them to be, but I can get better. I got my rear end handed to me by the 2002 3U, a pathetic 54% ~:-(

Did the chemistry 2002 HSC today. Besides the 3 marks I lost in the multiple choice.

In better news, I got everything else. My 6gig HDD + case came today, and it looks sweet :D I'll put up pictures soon. Also got more ink for the ink jet, so I could print off 42 pages of MORE physics notes (athough 8 were wasted, it was on atrophysics, not useful to me as I do Q&Q). Downloading more notes as we speak, always good to have 2 references.

Will start on the physics papers tommorow.

Oh, and almost forgot. Overclocked my palm :D Yes, overclocked a *palm* (m130). From 33mhz -> 42mhz, a performance increase of 30-50% according to speedy (palm benchmark). I did it using cruise control and clockupDA. Afterburner sux'd big time. Side effects include a faster clock, which means some games run like CRAZY! Also the stop watch program doesn't keep time when its OC'd, but thats understandable.

Also, atomicArt group set up on DA. Check it out here. Thanks to ~beef for setting it up. Some quality stuff there people.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRETT!!!!!!!!!! Many well wishes from me, and on behalf of any one who could not make it. HAVE A GOOD ONE!

*update* Aday is suitably drunk already*

Finally finnished all the core topic notes!!!!!!! Tommorow will be the last day of note making, then its all past papers, especially math, from Monday on. Given that I have 7 days, and 6 subject, I'll do 2 days maths, then 1 day for every other subject. Only 16 more days until the HSC!!!

In other news, in taking a break from study, went to the movies with Kev, John, and Coz, and saw Pirate of the Carribeojfsdghdkjgh(sp?) again. Still an enjoyable movie the 2nd time round.

LXG also looks good, planning on catching that some time too. Despite Sydney Morning Herald (free give away after movies) giving it 3/10, I don't trust them. These are the same people who gave 28 days later 8/10 *shudder*.

And horrah! Pay check cleared! :D

Any who, you have a good one hear?! ARRRRRRRRRRRRR!


Hrm, nothing much today. Weather took a chill turn, which is rather nice, better than those hot 35degree days we have been having.

Went to Eastwood today, and got the Macq. revision guide for SOR, so maybe now I will get better marks, and not drag John down as much ! :P

Picked up a nice portable printer from ebay for $18.5 including ink :D And on an impluse, bought a EL keyboard for 88 all up. This should be more conductive to typing at night than my current 5 year old compaq :D

Played a little CS to relax, getting pretty good with the scout. 24-0 with scout and desert eagle, not bad I say :)

Still waiting for my last pay check to clear :S

Going to the movies tommorow but, taking a break from study. Probably end up watching finding nemo, hehe :D

Bah! I'll stop boring you, later! Have a good one!


Another day gone. Another day of work done. Another day closer to the HSC. Another day of worry. Another day, forever lost, a drop of memory, in the ocean of Time.

Sincerely hope every one reading this has had a better day, with less anxiety and less worry :-)

I do look forward to the end of this, so I can spend time doing things I love.

So much to do, and so little time to do it...


Ah, the taste of freedom :-)

Graduation dinner on Thursday, while its not the offical graduation ceremony, it might as well be. Last time all my friends from school gathered at one table, and shared a meal. Many of us will drift apart no doubt over the HSC, and over the years, as we each walk our own path. I hope only that my path runs in parrallel to those who have been my friends for 6 long years, and that all our paths will cross, so we may all gather, and remember once upon a time, we were young and innocent.

Despite that, study is still top piority. School might have finnished, but the HSC hasn't. If I just do this right, just this one thing, I can enjoy all my other pursuits, in peace. There is nothing worst than regret.