To answer this question, I ran the audit script for 1st and 2nd placers in the #music category. Here is the breakdown for the current leader, @yelyahwilliams:
- deleted accounts: 449 (13.98%)
- accounts with 1 tweet: 21 (0.65%)
- accounts with 2 tweets: 32 (1.00%)
- other accounts: 2706 (84.27%)
- total: 3211
There is a discrepancy of 3, from users BenFreemann, ovan10, and YannickBraun.
Now for @ivetesangalo:
It would seem that @mercola's 64% is an exception not the rule. Granted, I only sampled 4 leaders. I suspect however that when I run the statistics for the leaders in #celebrity, I would see the same results: that the rule is for percentage of valid votes are 80% or higher.
I will update when the #celebrity audit is done. Note that I am auditing those categories where the leaders have vote counts in the thousands. This should reduce anomalies.