
01.06.2005 - false alarm

I was awoken from my deep slumber by my Dad who insisted my bone marrow transplant meeting with A/Prof. Gibson of U.Syd was today at 9am. However a small piece of paper from the Appointment Centre at Concord Hospital said the same appointment is tomorrow at 9:30am. Just to be on the safe side, every one got ready and off we went.

About 15 minutes later at 5 past 8, I made a call to RPAH to see if I have an appointment today - the answer was no!!! We all got up and dressed and everything in vain! However we did confirm that I do have an appointment with A/Prof. Gibson tomorrow, at 9:30am as it was written.

So now its barely 9:44am and I have already been out of bed for an hour. Shocking.
